New Jagged Universe/Factions

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Galactic Empire of Grenovia

Led by the brutal dictator [Placeholder], the Grenovian Empire has run a bloody war of conquest for centuries. Ruthless and willing to do anything to get their way, they tend to use mecha from various other "Evil Empires" (such as SR baddies or Giganos (Dragonar), or just factions that are known to be similar in mentality (such as the Titans).

[Hero SR/Brave Faction]

Heroic and full of justice, they tend to use mecha from heroic or brave series (Braves, SR heroes).

[Londo Bell Faction]

Militaristic but willing to do what's right, they tend to use mass produced or limited production mecha from "Good Guy" armies or defence forces (Londo Bell, AEUG, etc).

Fantasia Liberation Army

The native population of Fantasia, sick of having no say in the ownership of their world, formed a loose coalition of freedom fighters to try and force back the invading factions. They use mainly equipment scavenged from the other factions, however they have managed to steal a Mother Duplicator, which is held in their secret main base.

The FLA tends to use low level grunts from the other factions that they managed to scavenge, as well as units from "Rebellion" based series (such as Mospeadas and Round Bucklers), as well as low-tech series (such as Heavy Gear and Patlabor), as they don't take as many resources to maintain.