Silverion, Knight of the Night

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[b]Silverion, Knight of the Night[/b]

[b]Height:[/b] 4'0"
[b]Weight:[/b] Unknown

[b]Ability Data[/b]

[b]Etherial:[/b] Silverion's body is made entirely of magic, making it resistant to most attacks. This magic is also used to power his attacks, and is replenished constantly by magic transfered from the Sword of the Night Sky.

[b]Weapon Data[/b]

[b]Magic Lance:[/b] A lance made of magical energy.
[b]Ghostly Visage:[/b] Silverion attacks the opponent's mind, frightening them with visions of doom.
[b]Darkness Arrow:[/b] Silverion shoots arrows of dark magic at his opponent.
[b]Sun and Moon Attack:[/b] Silverion and Goldion combine their light and dark magic to produce a massive explosion that engulfs their opponents.

[b]Technical and Historical Notes[/b]

A long dead knight brought back to life by Rapiecage using the power of the Sword of the Night Sky. Once a loyal knight of Terestia, he now fights for the Dark Crusaders against those he once protected.